1.People open a utility application to see a quick summary of information or to perform a simple task on a limited number of objects.
2.On the front, you will be able to see a quick summary of all the appointments for the day, to do list and so on.
3.You MUST, MUST, MUST communicate with me on a daily basis (not weekends nor holidays), with a QUICK SUMMARY of current status.
4.So with the new field list, a user can get a quick summary by simply checking a couple of checkboxes, and that's it.
5.So a very very quick summary of his epistemological approach.
6.After clicking on the Goals tab, a quick summary at the top of the page will report some basic figures.
7.As a quick summary, a DI container is a tool you can use to support building highly decoupled software.
8.For the purpose of getting a quick overview and to provide a base schema to work on, the following is a quick summary.
9.Thompson gave me a quick summary of the events leading to the quarrel.
10.Then, write a quick summary of the conversation and why you are perfect for the job.